Department of Biotechnology, Government of India – inviting concept paper for proposals on Women Health, Hygiene and Nutrition related research or intervention research
The Department of Biotechnology is inviting concept proposal for undertaking community based research projects on Women health, Hygiene and Nutrition as part of societal development programme of DBT. The goal of programme is to achieve the highest quality of women health. The span of research can be reproductive health needs, cancer screening, awareness and management, HIV/AIDS related cognizance and preventive measures, chronic disorders as iron deficiency anemia, folic acid deficiency, osteoporosis, other micro-nutrient deficiencies & nutraceuticals based interventions, pre and post-natal care and also pre-natal genetic disorder screening and counseling etc, but not limited to these topics. The project should have insight for the benefits of community at large particularly for women group.
The concept note should be of two pages only. It should cover following heads actually –
1. Proposed biotechnological interventions for specific needs or problems
2. Specific objectives, work plan and targeted women group.
3. Likely benefits of the project to women group.
4. Tentative budget estimate
5. CV of PI for project
The concept paper can be submitted by Medical College, institutions, universities or NGOs individually or jointly. The NGOs should be registered one and have minimum three years experience in implementation of such project.
The concept note can be emailed to and last date is 25th March 2011.
A hard copy of the concept papers should also be sent to the Programme Officer-Dr Niloo Srivastava, Senior Scientific Officer, Department of Biotechnology, Block-2, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi- 110004. In cases of the short-listed concept papers, the PIs will be asked to develop their detailed proposals for further consideration of the Department

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