Friday, March 2, 2012

Scope for Innovators young - Google fair 2012

Google Science fair 2012
Every year Google is searching for the brightest young scientists from around the world to submit interesting, innovative, creative projects which are really relevant to the today’s world.
This is for young students who are in age gtoup 13-18 years. Age will be calculate on 1st April 2012.
Entry can be individual or group of two-three as team
Parent consent is required for each applicants, if you are entering as team each team parent’s consent is required.
Google Science Fair required to file 11 sections that customize by including short summaries and supporting documents.
• Summary: A brief overview of your project and an embedded video or summary presentation.
• About Me: Tell the judges a bit about yourself.
• The Question: Find a question that interests you about something that you have observed, noticed, or wondered about.
• Hypothesis: Address something that you believe is challenging which you are able to answer in a single experiment.
• Research: Summarize the research that you completed to support and answer your question.
• Experiment: Design, execute, and summarize an experiment that tests your hypothesis.
• Data: Report on all of the data, numbers, outputs, or outcomes from your experiment.
• Observations: Show an understanding of what you saw happening during your experiment.
• Conclusions: Explain how your experiment supported or contradicted your original hypothesis.
• References: Provide references for sources of information that you have consulted.
• Acknowledgements: Detail any help and support that you received to complete your project.
The last date for submission of project is 1st April 2012.
Best wishes

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